Please support your community art center!

Alchemy Art Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and we rely on local donations to keep us financially sustainable. If you are able to, please consider donating to help us further our mission!

You can help us provide a place where artists of all ages can explore artistic expression on San Juan Island. Here are some ways to support Alchemy with a tax-deductible donation:

  1. Donate! Make a one-time tax deductible donation to support Alchemy. Make a donation now.

  2. Commit to monthly donations via Patreon! Monthly donations are a great way to consistently support Alchemy, and levels start at only $5 per month.

  3. Donate to our brand new Friends of Alchemy Fund via the San Juan Island Community Foundation! This fund, set up by an absolutely wonderful supporter, will help sustain Alchemy for the next 10 years of our development.

If you have any questions about donating, please get in touch!

Thank you for your support!